how to know your retreat is catholic for your catholic school students or staff

Cultivating a Catholic Ethos in Retreats

You know your retreat is Catholic when it offers life-giving, empowering Catholic faith formation for a broad range of participants. In this article, I will discuss three overarching hallmarks of the Catholic ethos of faith formation, “Catholic Theological Anthropology”, “Whole-Person Engagement” and “Formation Capacities” and how faith formation retreats can be developed and evaluated accordingly by either internal or external facilitators. By the way, this article serves to inform and develop me as much as those I am hoping to encourage as I am still learning the art of faith formation facilitation.

soul is like a campfire

Why Virtue Ethics is so Empowering in Retreats

The goal of Christian faith formation retreat is to assist the participant to grow in discipleship with Jesus and in community with others so she/he is closer to living a fulfilling life of love.  Virtue Ethics with a Christian perspective is a very helpful in my work as a retreats facilitator because it engages retreat …

A girls sketch of her soul

How to Make Spiritual Language Inclusive for a Broad Range of People

How do you define and describe the soul and spirituality for a broad range of people?  The human soul is the life force within each of us, animated by God[1], our spirituality is how we cultivate and express that energy in either healthy or unhealthy ways[2] and the ultimate fulfillment of a healthy spirituality is …

Ideas for Praying the Rosary with Children

“When people love and recite the Rosary they find it makes them better.” – St. Anthony Mary Claret “The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you’ll be amazed at the results.”– St. Josemaria Escriva  “The Rosary is a prayer both so humble and simple and a theologically rich in Biblical content. …