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Did you know that nearly 75% of the world’s unreached people live in just 12 countries? This means that approximately 3.6 billion individuals have never heard about Jesus Christ or His sacrifice for them. The need for prayer and outreach in these countries is immense. That’s why Jesus Film Project has launched a prayer initiative called “For the Least Reached: A Year of Prayer.” Each month, they are promoting prayer for one of the top 12 least-reached countries. This article will explore the importance of prayer in reaching the unreached and provide insights into some of the prayer practices for 2023.
The Urgent Need to Pray
As believers, we have the privilege and responsibility to intercede for those who have not yet heard the Gospel. In many parts of the world, the Church is scarce, and people have limited access to the message of salvation. Ryan Wagner, Jesus Film Project’s associate director for digital strategies, highlights this disparity, saying, “Here in America, I’m in Missouri, and I can go down the road and I’m going to pass five churches on the way to go to my church… That is just not the way it is in most places in the world.”
Recognizing this need, Jesus Film Project embarked on a mission to identify the countries where the Church is least present. Their goal is to bridge the gap and ensure that the unreached have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Through prayer, we can partner with Jesus Film Project and other organizations to see God’s transformative work in these countries.
For the Least Reached: A Year of Prayer
Jesus Film Project has created a prayer guide as part of their 2023 prayer initiative, “For the Least Reached: A Year of Prayer.” This guide focuses on one of the top 12 least-reached countries each month, providing specific prayer points and insights into the challenges faced by the Church in these regions. By engaging in these prayer practices, believers can actively participate in the work of God in these nations.
Indonesia: A Country in Need of Prayer
This month, Jesus Film Project’s prayer guide highlights Indonesia. With roughly 70% of the population unreached with the Gospel, Indonesia presents a significant challenge for evangelism efforts. Only around 10% of Indonesians identify as Christians, leaving a vast majority without knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Indonesia is just one example of the many countries where the Gospel message has yet to reach the masses. As we focus on Indonesia and the other 11 countries in the prayer guide, we are called to pray for the unreached peoples to find hope and salvation in Jesus Christ.
Praying for the Unreached
Prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of believers. It has the ability to bring about change, open doors, and transform lives. When we pray for the unreached, we are partnering with God in His mission to seek and save the lost. Here are some prayer practices to consider as we intercede for the least reached in 2023:
1. Pray for Open Doors
Ask God to open doors for the Gospel to be shared in the least-reached countries. Pray for opportunities for Christian workers to enter these nations and for favor with the local communities. Pray that governments and authorities would be receptive to the message of Jesus Christ.
2. Pray for Boldness and Protection
Pray for boldness and courage for Christians who are already working in these countries. Pray that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to share the Gospel fearlessly. Additionally, pray for God’s protection over these workers, as they often face opposition and persecution.
3. Pray for Dreams and Visions
Many unreached people have reported having dreams and visions of Jesus before coming to faith. These encounters often serve as a catalyst for their conversion. Pray that God would continue to reveal Himself to the unreached through dreams and visions, drawing them to Himself.
4. Pray for Local Believers
In many least-reached countries, there are small pockets of believers who are faithfully serving and sharing the Gospel. Pray for these local believers, that they would be encouraged and strengthened in their faith. Pray that they would have opportunities to disciple others and see the Church grow.
5. Pray for the Power of the Holy Spirit
Recognize the need for the Holy Spirit’s power in reaching the unreached. Pray that the Holy Spirit would move in supernatural ways, convicting hearts and drawing people to Jesus. Pray for signs, wonders, and miracles to accompany the preaching of the Gospel.
6. Pray for Transformed Lives
Ultimately, our goal is not just for people to hear about Jesus, but for their lives to be transformed by Him. Pray that those who hear the Gospel would respond in faith and experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Pray for genuine repentance and a desire to follow Him wholeheartedly.
As believers, we have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the unreached through prayer. By engaging in the 73 prayer practices in 2023, we can actively participate in God’s mission to reach the nations. Let us pray for the least reached, interceding for open doors, boldness, dreams and visions, local believers, the power of the Holy Spirit, and transformed lives. Through our prayers, we can see the unreached find hope and salvation in Jesus Christ.