Responding to the great call of St John Paul II to build a civilisation of love

Mothering, pregnancy and birth are the most intimate expressions of creative collaboration with God. I liken a mother’s “yes” to life to the self-donation of Jesus Christ’s gift of himself in the Eucharist. It’s a visible sign of God’s kingdom on earth.  Co-creating with God’s own design to raise a child is a most honourable …

A Chat with a Lady Tradie Draws us Both Towards God’s Fatherly Love

Can you think of a time that you had an unexpectedly deep conversation with a stranger?  Pastoral encounters and challenges can happen at all sorts of times, hey.  Recently, a lady-tradie was helping me fix my home.  One day, we were working alongside each other for quite a while, and she and I got talking.  …

You are a Brave Rebel to believe in God and Humanity

Do you believe every person has God-given dignity?  Do you truly believe that every person has been given immeasurable, sacred value, no matter their economic value?  If you do, be ready for punishment because you are a trouble-maker and a threat to those who wish to have power over others.  When God-given dignity of the …

How to Help Your Baby Participate in the Eucharist – Hint… it’s YOU

‘We cannot fully find ourselves except through a sincere gift of self.” Gaudium et Spes. JPII It’s so symbiotic and intense when you’re pregnant, then caring for an infant, breastfeeding or however that happens for you. The vulnerability of a baby draws the family unit together.Your baby’s life depends on you entirely.And it’s meant to …

8 Easy Ideas to Make Halloween Make Sense

Halloween is growing in popularity in Australia, presumably thanks to the influence of American culture. It’s time to reclaim All Saints and All Souls Days as meaningful and fun celebrations for us, too, because Halloween makes way more sense if it is honoured as the evening before these powerful days. The below ideas is what …