The 62 Liturgy of the Hours in 2023


In the Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office, the faithful come together to pray at various times throughout the day. This daily prayer is a way to sanctify time and unite with the Church in offering praise and thanksgiving to God. In the year 2023, the 62 Liturgy of the Hours provides a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the Christmas season and honor the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

Wednesday in the 1st Week of Christmas


The Antiphon for this day proclaims the birth of Christ and invites us to adore Him. It sets the tone for the prayers and praises that follow.

Psalm 95

Psalm 95 is a joyful song of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. It invites us to sing and shout with joy, approaching God with gratitude for His saving power.

The Lord is God

This section of Psalm 95 declares the greatness of God as the mighty King over all gods. It highlights His sovereignty over all creation, including the depths of the earth and the highest mountains. The sea and the dry land are also mentioned as His creations.

Let us Worship

After acknowledging the greatness of God, the psalmist calls us to bow down and worship the Lord. We are reminded that He is our God and we are His people, and He shepherds us as His flock.

Today, listen to the voice of the Lord

In this section, the psalmist warns against stubbornness and rebellion, using the example of the Israelites in the wilderness. Despite witnessing God’s works, they challenged and provoked Him. As a result, they were not allowed to enter into His rest.


The psalm concludes with a call to praise and adoration. We are reminded to give glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forever.

Reflections on the 62 Liturgy of the Hours in 2023

The 62 Liturgy of the Hours in 2023 offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on the birth of Christ and honor His Most Holy Name. As we journey through the Christmas season, we are invited to come together as a community and lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving.

The Antiphon for this day sets the tone for our prayer, reminding us of the reason for our adoration. Christ is born for us, and we are called to come and adore Him. This simple yet profound statement encapsulates the beauty and significance of the Christmas season.

As we move into Psalm 95, we are invited to join in the joyful song of praise. We are called to approach God with gratitude and to sing joyful songs to Him. This psalm reminds us of the greatness of our God, the Creator of all things, and the One who holds everything in His hands.

In the section that declares the greatness of God, we are reminded of His sovereignty and His power over all creation. He is the God who made the sea and the dry land, and everything in them belongs to Him. This reflection on the majesty of God can inspire awe and wonder in our hearts as we contemplate His greatness.

The call to worship in the psalm is a reminder of our relationship with God. He is our God, and we are His people. As His flock, we are called to bow down and worship Him. This act of worship is an expression of our love and devotion to Him.

The warning against stubbornness and rebellion in the psalm serves as a cautionary tale. We are reminded of the consequences of challenging and provoking God. The Israelites in the wilderness experienced the consequences of their actions, and we are called to learn from their example.

In conclusion, the 62 Liturgy of the Hours in 2023 offers us a time to reflect on the birth of Christ and honor His Most Holy Name. It invites us to come together as a community and offer our praise and thanksgiving to God. May this time of prayer deepen our relationship with Him and inspire us to live lives of worship and adoration. Let us remember that Christ is born for us, and let us come and adore Him.